Thursday, October 15, 2009

My Thoughts About Tithing...

There are certain habits that are necessary for a Christian to grow in depth in their relationship with God. Things like prayer, spending time in the word, and serving others are all important in furthering a relationship with Christ. While all these things are very good, I feel that tithing is also just as essential.

It is a physical acknowledgement that everything we earn and everything we have, is not our own. Sacrifice is important in recognizing that God is in control. At times money may seem nonexistent and hard to give up, but I think that it is in those moments that our faith can be grown in unimaginable ways.

I think that ten percent of a person’s earnings should be given to either a church or ministry of calling on a regular basis. If there are other causes, and ministries that you feel lead to contribute to I say go for it. Those extra things should be prayer-fully considered and thought about before giving. In my opinion I think it is important to first contribute your initial ten percent consistently to a specific cause. The church that you attend on a regular basis should be considered when tithing. I feel that this topic can be divided in complete opposite directions. Many are very passionate about only giving to your home church, while other don't give their tithe to the church at all. In my opinion I feel that the church you attend should absolutely have a percent of your tithe. However, I also think that there are benefits to contributing to a particular cause.

I would just like to state before I continue, I say the following things not for my own glory. I will also be upfront and honest in saying that even though I try my best I often fall short in my goals for giving. Tithing is something that should be done in private. My personal priority is to tithe directly for the church with my initial ten percent. Then when other opportunities are given as far as supporting other people or giving money to a particular cause arise I pray and think about how much to give and seek my motivations behind the giving. Another thing that I like to do is to keep a container to toss spare change into in my room, after a while it adds up. I am then able donate it to supporting a child.

The motivation behind giving is the most important thing here. Telling people how much you tithe for your personal glory or just to make yourself feel better isn't okay. So once again I don't mention this to brag. This is what I try to do, and it isn't perfect. But after prayer and talking with people much smarter than me, I have found this works best for myself as an individual.

In conclusion I think that tithing only enriches your relationship with Christ. Habits take awhile to develop, and it is important to be persistent in developing a routine. I have found that so many times God is faithful to you when you are faithful to Him. He will provide and astound you in ways you could never imagine. Tithing is a biblical principle and it is my opinion that each person that calls themselves a Christian should give. To a certain extent it takes more than just saying, "I'm a Christian." The relationship can only go so far. Getting in the word, spending time in prayer with God, and giving are all sacrifices that we must do in order to deepen and enrich our faith.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts . . . and thanks for your honesty. I'm pleased to hear that you are making this biblical principle a part of your life now. Keep it up!
