During the trip I suddenly had some thoughts. I couldn’t find any paper around me so I ended up writing some of these thoughts on the back of my old receipts.
This my sound selfish at first, but please bear with me.
The more places I get to go and the more things I get to see the more my heart yearns to see more, to experience more, and to take in more beauty.
This universe is God’s canvas and I want to admire His art, I want to be intrigued by His creation in a deeper way.
I’ve never known much about art, I do however know what it feels like to experience something that tightens your chest and makes you feel like you can’t take in another breath. I love the sight of beauty and the feeling of being fascinated by something to the point where it takes your breath away.
These moments, for me, have been found in only three types of circumstances; with family, true friends, and in nature. —Precious moments—Holy moments— Moments that don’t compare with anything else in the world. It is during those moments where you wish you could freeze time, it is in those pictures that you can’t seem to capture the splendor fully, and it is while you are trying to write your feelings with words you cannot express. I have this feeling now, and I want to never let it go.
But these three circumstances in and of themselves are not that meaningful on their own. The only way to truly appreciate one is having the previous appreciation of the other two. I’m sorry if this is confusing you. My thoughts are fully structured on this, but I’ve just been thinking a lot about what really matters in life. And I think God reveals Himself most through relationships and in nature.
I don’t think I’ve ever appreciated God’s nature so much—nor have I ever felt so small. But admits the massive hills, unending ocean, and vast greenery of this land I am humbled and in awe because I matter, and I too am His work of art. The creator of the universe cares about me. Wow.
And as great as this beauty is I can’t help but feel a little bit sad. Not at what I am looking at, but that everything that I am getting to see can’t be experienced by you at home. Something inside of me began to ache. – I missed my true back friends and I longed to see my family.
I believe God has designed nature, relationships, and people to glorify and experience Him in a deeper way. So after seeing so many beautiful things this past weekend in Galway and the Aran Islands I’ve come to a few conclusions:
Stop and look… really look at what you are seeing.
Embrace the moments, and don’t rush them.
Stop worrying about time.
Recognize the beauty in the small things, and appreciate it even more in the big.
Appreciate where you are, but acknowledge where you have been- so you know how you got there.
Seek to feel small instead of constantly striving to make it big.
Recognize that moments with family and friends are blessings that God gives us and that they are irreplaceable.
Know that we are all designed for a different purpose, a different reason, and with unique skills. We all have different stories and different life experiences that we bring into relationships. And while I would long for each of us to get to experience the same things, that would make for a pretty boring life. It is when we can come together after the end of long absences from one another that we can listen, grow, and learn. I can’t wait to hear about life back at home and what’s been going on while I’ve been gone.